The Befriending team
would help our society
in befriending the
lonely and the people
who need a friend to
The team will help in
every way they can
assist their new friends
to keep them away
from the harmful paths
we all face daily.
The team will try to
help their new friend’s
hands to get by all the
obstacles the might find going the society and getting their career moving.
Each befriender will be the advocate of their friend who would try to understand their
goals and endeavours to help them to reach all their goals.
The team has responsibility towards their fellow man and will have to demons to all that
they are leading a good example to be followed.
The team responsibilities will include helping the society to befriend the lonely, isolated
and individuals those are looking for a friend to confide in and trust.
This team will be in a unique and confidential relationship with your friend and will help
to motivate and guide them away from the harmful paths we all face on a daily basis.
You will achieve this by tallying to your friend daily, taking long walks across our
beautiful 256 acre site and just giving them a shoulder to lean on.
Befriender will also involve you to understand and develop your friends’ goals and
ambitions, while endeavouring to help achieve them no matter the time scale involved.
Once achieved the gratifying feeling will be worth the time and effort invested.
The responsibility of the team is to demonstrate to all that we are leading a good
example to be followed.
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